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200+ insights from the latest science in marketing

3-min practical summaries of research from top universities like:

Free sample insight

Rounded CTA buttons drive more clicks
Increase clicks 55%

Rounded CTA buttons drive more clicks

Research from
University of South Florida, University of Tennessee & Neighborly
$0 is better than ‘free’
Increase conversion rate

$0 is better than ‘free’

Research from
Korea University & Pukyong National University
People love products with rituals
Increase willingness to pay 74%

People love products with rituals

Research from
University of Minnesota & Harvard Business School
Use “Handwritten” fonts to increase sales
Increase product liking

Use “Handwritten” fonts to increase sales

Research from
University of Innsbruck & Babson College
Smile less to appear confident and boost sales
Appear more competent and confident

Smile less to appear confident and boost sales

Research from
University of Central Florida & 3 others
Say “I” not “We” when speaking to customers
Increase customer satisfaction 19%

Say “I” not “We” when speaking to customers

Research from
Wilfrid Laurier University, Simon Fraser University & 1 other
What makes a voice persuasive
Increase content persuasiveness

What makes a voice persuasive

Research from
Western University & 4 others
Uppercase brand names feel more premium
Increase premium perceptions
Prices in red attract men
Decrease price perception 66%

Prices in red attract men

Research from
Oxford University & 3 others
The feminine brand name advantage
Increase customer liking

The feminine brand name advantage

Research from
University of Calgary & 3 others
A simple rule to use $10 vs 10% off
Increase purchase likelihood 16.3%

A simple rule to use $10 vs 10% off

Research from
EGADE Business School & Babson College
The rule of three in persuasion
Increase persuasiveness 10.4%

The rule of three in persuasion

Research from
UCLA Anderson School of Management & Georgetown University
Short, easy names are more trustworthy
Increase trustworthiness 31%

Short, easy names are more trustworthy

Research from
University of Cologne, University of Southern California & 1 other
The “Sold-out” effect
Increase purchase intentions 31.1%

The “Sold-out” effect

Research from
Tsinghua University & 2 others
Say “Thank you” not “Sorry”
Increase customer satisfaction 15%

Say “Thank you” not “Sorry”

Research from
New Mexico State University & 3 others
When a $20 price is better than $19.99
Increase purchase likelihood 30.2%

When a $20 price is better than $19.99

Research from
Temple University & Nanyang Technological University
When to use slow vs fast ads
Increase ad liking 32.8%

When to use slow vs fast ads

Research from
Bryant University & Kookmin University
Handwritten thank you notes increase sales
Increase future spending 2x
The optimal free trial length
Increase revenues 7.99%

The optimal free trial length

Research from
University of Washington & Bright Machines
Complementary coffee increases spending
Increase spending 50%

Complementary coffee increases spending

Research from
University of South Florida & 6 others
Where you should display your price
Increase sales 35.2%

Where you should display your price

Research from
University of Louisville, Clark University & 1 other
Should your influencers be human - or virtual?
Increase perception of innovation 11.2%
Sustainable products bring higher revenue
Increase revenues 6.4%

Sustainable products bring higher revenue

Research from
Shippensburg University & 1 other
Don’t misspell your brand name
Increase purchase likelihood 34%

Don’t misspell your brand name

Research from
University of Notre Dame & Ohio State University

Member Exclusive Insights

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Increase brand personality 53%

Red is exciting, blue is competent

Research from
Northern Illinois University, University of Massachusetts Amherst
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Increase intention to buy 49%

Write discounted prices on the right

Research from
Wayne State University, Indiana State University, University of South Carolina, University of Miami
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Increase sign ups 47.4%

Why freemium works

Research from
University of Passau, Arizona State University
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Avoid 24% bounce rate

When native ads backfire

Research from
University of New Hampshire, University of Alabama, San Diego State University, Northeastern University
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Increase likelihood to buy 40%

Say “costs $x more” for premium options

Research from
Nanyang Technological University, University of British Columbia
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Increase profits 6%

Don’t give free shipping, offer coupons instead

Research from
Copenhagen Business School, University of Tuebingen, Dartmouth College
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Increase likelihood to buy 59.7%
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Increase likelihood of taking an item 57.5%

Show products by benefits, not features

Research from
Durham University, University of Neuchâtel, University of Lausanne
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Increase ad likes 13.6%

Show what your product smells like

Research from
Carnegie Mellon University Qatar and City University of London
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Increase review effectiveness 2.4x

Admit mistakes to sound more persuasive

Research from
Yale University, University of Toronto
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Increase willingness to buy 66%

Cross-sell when refunding products

Research from
University of Toronto, Boston University
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Increase discount effectiveness 2.4x
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Increase purchase intention 31%

Use smile-like lines in your designs

Research from
University of Oxford, Giessen University, University of Rochester, Universidad de La Sabana
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Zhejiang University
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Increase sales up to 26%

Encourage comparisons in your reviews

Research from
Tianjin University, Virginia Tech, and Nankai University
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Increase purchase intentions 17.6%

Explain your AI recommendations

Research from
Chongqing Normal University & Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
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Increase clicks 55%

Rounded CTA buttons drive more clicks

Research from
University of South Florida, University of Tennessee & Neighborly
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Increase repeat purchase intentions

When referrals backfire

Research from
Oregon State University, Western University & Ivey Business School. Western University
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Increase product preference up to 24%

When ‘AI-powered’ makes products better, or not

Research from
WU, University of Lucerne, University of St. Gallen, and Columbia University
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Increase engagement up to 38%
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Increase ratings 11.7%

Expert vs fellow customer reviews

Research from
Monash University & University of International Business and Economics
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Increase willingness to buy 45%

When to use the price divisibility effect

Research from
Michigan State University, Baylor University & Virginia Tech
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Increase star ratings by up to 0.5 stars
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Increase review positivity by up to 83.4%

How incentives boost reviews

Research from
Cornell University & University of Pennsylvania
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Increase willingness to pay 65%

University-created products are more appealing

Research from
WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of Bonn & Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Increase reviews by up to 24%
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Increase willingness to pay up to 28%

‘Top Rated’ sells better than ‘Best Seller’

Research from
University of Louisville College of Business, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign & 1 other
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Increase forgiveness likelihood 32%

Apologies work better than compensation

Research from
Tsinghua University & Monash University
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Decrease negative reaction to ads

When ad frequency goes from effective to annoying

Research from
Emory University, New York University & 1 other
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Increase product preference

No, women don’t prefer pretty products

Research from
The Chinese University of Hong Kong & 2 others
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Increase revenue 13.5%
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Increase price attractiveness

No, .99 prices don’t hurt quality perceptions

Research from
Leuphana University of Lüneburg & Saarland University
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Increase willingness to pay 39%
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Increase purchase intentions 41.2%

Mobile buyers want unique (vs popular) products

Research from
City University of Hong Kong & University of Florida
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Increase purchase intentions 18%

Use non-rounded discounts

Research from
University of Memphis & 3 others
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Increase customer satisfaction and spending
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Increase service quality perception
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Increase referrals 53%
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Increase conversions and customer spending
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Increase social media shares

What makes people share Facebook video ads

Research from
Tohoku University & University of Melbourne
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Increase customer loyalty
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Increase conversion rate

$0 is better than ‘free’

Research from
Korea University & Pukyong National University
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Increase customer loyalty
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Increase willingness to pay 74%

People love products with rituals

Research from
University of Minnesota & Harvard Business School
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Increase positive brand perceptions

Political activism benefits small brands, hurts large brands

Research from
California Polytechnic State University & Georgetown University
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Increase willingness to pay

When $21,400 is better than $20,000

Research from
Leuphana University, INSEAD & 2 others
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Increase social media engagement

Assertive words increase engagement

Research from
Adolfo Ibáñez University & 2 others
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Increase referrals 86%
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Reduce form abandonment
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Increase social media engagement
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Increase product liking
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Maximize revenues
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Increase discount perception

Use ‘was 25% higher’ instead of ‘now 20% lower’

Research from
University of South Carolina, Babson College & 4 others
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Increase sales 42%
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Appear more competent and confident
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Increase willingness to pay

People want to hear what your product sounds like

Research from
University of Alabama & Pennsylvania State University
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Increase app downloads
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Increase sales

Complementary products boost your main product

Research from
Södertörn University &University of Northern Colorado
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Increase positive product perceptions

Don’t showcase all your good features, it backfires

Research from
Virginia Tech, University of Southern California & 1 other
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Increase product liking 23%
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Increase product perceptions 16%

Some negative reviews can be good for you

Research from
Israel Institute of Technology & The Open University of Israel
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Increase willingness to pay 35%
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Increase individual's survey responses 33%

Make your loyalty rewards a gamble, not a certainty

Research from
Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Chicago & 1 other
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Increase customer lifetime value, revenues
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Increase product recall

Add a scent to your product

Research from
University of Michigan, Rutgers Business School & 1 other
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Increase tips 136%

The effect of “Vote with your tip: Cats or Dogs?”

Research from
University of Missouri-Kansas City, The Wharton School & 1 other
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Increase willingness to buy 29.5%
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Increase customer satisfaction 19%

Say “I” not “We” when speaking to customers

Research from
Wilfrid Laurier University, Simon Fraser University & 1 other
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Increase purchase intentions 30%

Show your product’s ‘viewed’ or ‘purchased’ numbers

Research from
Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore & 2 others
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Increase retweets 33%
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Increase purchase likelihood

Avoid complicated words in your product description

Research from
Saint Joseph's University & University of Pittsburg
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Increase product reviews 12%
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Increase sales 52%

Use ‘Pick-your-price’ to boost sales

Research from
California Polytechnic State University & University of Oregon
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Increase customer value 131%

How feedback surveys can boost spending by 131%

Research from
Utah State University, Boston College & 3 others
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Increase sales, total reviews, and positive reviews

How the first review decides the fate of your product

Research from
University of South Carolina & University of Florida
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Decrease negative brand perceptions

The downside of company uniforms

Research from
Tilburg University, University of Southern California & 2 others
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Increase content persuasiveness
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Increase product upsell likelihood 75%
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Increase views to completion 14%
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Increase ad persuasiveness

Which ads work best in emerging vs developed markets

Research from
IESEG University, Columbia Business School & 1 other
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Optimize MVP

How to efficiently find a product that sells

Research from
UCL School of Management & Boston College
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Optimize product pricing

A new, better way to decide your pricing

Research from
University of Lucerne, the Wharton School & 2 others
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Increase customer lifetime value 29.5%

Increase customer LTV with “Buy 10 get 1 free”

Research from
Rice University, the Wharton School & 1 other
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Increase positive perceptions 19.3%

High-quality audio makes you sound smarter

Research from
University of Southern California & Australian National University
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Increase monthly revenues 51.7%

Differentiate your small business offering

Research from
University of Texas at Austin, London School of Economics & 2 others
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Increase YouTube views, likes and comments

What makes YouTube videos successful?

Research from
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná & École des sciences de la gestion de l'UQAM
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Increase sales 21.1%

Show your costs to boost sales

Research from
University of San Francisco & Harvard Business School
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Increase premium perceptions
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Increase product performance

Brands improve people’s performance

Research from
University of Delaware & University of Minnesota
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Decrease prediction errors 60%

How to be an unbiased marketer

Research from
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Imperial College London & 1 other
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Increase customer spending 171%
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Decrease churn likelihood 11%

Scarcity tactics can anger customers

Research from
University of Leeds & University of East Anglia
B2C Friendly
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B2B Friendly
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Popular & Trending 📈
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Brand & Strategy
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Retail Store
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Customer Experience
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Messaging & Copy
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Social Media
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